"Saddle Up" before
it's too late for America!
American Conservative Values
and the
American Constitution
Defense |
Cowboy Patriot, Buffalo, Wyoming,
USA ∙ e-mail:
comments@cowboypatriot.com |
The national debt is what, $18 Trillion
and rising rapidly? This is largely due to
wasteful and unnecessary government spending,
massive public union benefits, and other lavish
practices. Fraud, waste and abuse are so
rampant in the federal government, that it can't
even be adequately policed. Each year,
there are billions of dollars in Medicare fraud
alone. |
We can probably agree that both political
parties share some responsibility for the
national debt, but the conservatives seem to be
the only ones advocating much less spending.
With a staggering $16 trillion in debt, the
democrats won't even agree to cut what
comparatively amounts to piggy bank change. |
Sure, we could raise the tax on the rich, but
the government would also waste that with its
atrocious spending practices. And experts
say that additional revenues from taxing the
rich would fund the federal government for 8 and
a half days. What a ridiculous idea. |
There are even greater far-reaching problems
with taxing the rich. As the Republicans
proclaim, the rich are job creators and hire
less employees if they are taxed too much.
I expect that is true overall. But there
is another problem with taxing the rich that
even the republicans fail to use: People
and companies making over $250,000 per year are
also make up the majority who provide most of
the products and services that we all buy.
Taxes are a cost of doing business, and if the
cost of doing business increases, prices of
those goods and services are likely to rise as
well. So who ends up paying for those
higher taxes? We all do!!! It's like
the morons who advocate raising the price of and
taxes on diesel fuel because heavy trucks cause
more damage to highways. Almost everything
we all consume is delivered by truck. Do
you want to pay $15.00 for a loaf of bread?
Chances are the company producing the loaf of
bread, the company producing the packaging for
that loaf of bread, the transportation company
delivering the loaf of bread and the food chain
selling the loaf of bread will all fall under
higher taxes for incomes of $250,000 or more.
What does that do to the price of that loaf of
bread? I have a Bachelor's degree in
Economics and an MBA, but I don't need either of
those to figure this out. |
It is incumbent on every
generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A
principle which if acted on would save one-half
the wars of the world.
...Thomas Jefferson |